Office of Telecommunications and Post Regulation - URTiP (2002-2006)
The Office of Telecommunications and Post Regulation was established on 1 April 2002, replacing the existing Office of Telecommunications Regulation. The president of the Office of Telecommunications and Post Regulation was appointed by the prime minister at the request of the minister competent in communications for a period of 5 years.
The president of the Office of Telecommunications and Post Regulation was obliged to cooperate with the supreme and central public administration bodies, in particular with the National Broadcasting Council in the area of frequency management and with the president of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection in the areas of telecommunications and postal market and product inspection regulations.
The competencies and duties of the president of the Office of Telecommunications and Post Regulation were specified in the Telecommunications Act of 21 July 2000 and other acts and lower-level legal acts regulating the fields of telecommunications, radiocommunications and post.
The tasks of the president of the Office of Telecommunications and Post Regulation included:
• providing universal access to telecommunications and postal services,
• protecting consumer interests,
• supporting competitiveness,
• developing telecommunications infrastructure,
• ensuring order in the management of resources: numbering, radio and orbital frequency spectrum,
• protecting the state interest in the field of state defense and security as well as public safety and order.
Since 2002, one of the main objectives of the President of the Office of Telecommunications and Post Regulation has been to undertake regulatory activities aimed at a balanced development of the postal services market, among others - on the basis of the Postal Law Act passed in 2003.
At that time, in addition to Poczta Polska, there were also 58 private postal operators operating on the market.
On 6 September 2002, the anechoic chamber at the Central Radio Emission Control Station in Borucza was officially launched. The construction of the Open Measuring Field with dimensions of 17x20 m, equipped with a rotary table with the diameter of 5.08 m and load capacity of 5 tons, was started in the same year.
In 2004, the amended Telecommunications Act came into force in Poland. The provisions of this act imposed new tasks on the president of the Office of Telecommunications and Post Regulation, including the consultation, consolidation and mediation proceedings in disputes between consumers and providers of telecommunications services and entrepreneurs. The new act also introduced the Court of Arbitration.
The Office of Telecommunications and Post Regulation was liquidated on 14 January 2006 on the basis of the Act of 29 December 2005, and its competences were transferred to the newly created Office of Electronic Communications.
The president of the Office of Telecommunications and Post Regulation was Witold Graboś.

Measuring stand of the National Automated Frequency Spectrum Monitoring System (KASMON)

Open measuring field, Borucza 2003

PZR LOARA self-propelled anti-aircraft set for testing on the open measuring field