State Telecommunications and Postal Inspectorate - PITiP (1995-2000)
The State Telecommunications and Postal Inspectorate was established in 1995.
It was supervised by the Ministry of Communications and was responsible for the regulation of the mobile telephony market.
The scope of the activities of the State Telecommunications and Postal Inspectorate included the quality inspection of: telecommunications services, equipment operation, telecommunications lines and networks, and their compliance with the applicable regulations, standards and technical requirements. The State Telecommunications and Postal Inspectorate also controlled: the labelling of telecommunications equipment and systems with approval certificates, telecommunications network operators and the quality of postal services provided by Poczta Polska.
The State Telecommunications and Postal Inspectorate was liquidated pursuant to the Telecommunications Act of 21 July 2000, and its competencies were transferred to the Office of Telecommunications Regulation.
Mr Władysław Grabowski was the chief inspector at the State Telecommunications and Postal Inspectorate.

Laboratory stand for CB radiotelephone approval measurements

Installation of an RFT log-periodic antenna with positioners in horizontal and vertical polarization