Works within the EU Twinning Project for Georgia
15 April 2019
UKE is presenting in Tbilisi the guidelines for Georgia on the implementation of solutions enabling telecommunications infrastructure and services mapping, as well as the best European practices and standards related to the relevant markets' regulation.
The presentation is taking place during the Component 2. closing conference in the framework of the EU Twinning Project for Georgia. This Component’s achievement has been the preparation of guidelines on removing infrastructural barriers, infrastructure sharing, net neutrality and access regulation, with regard to the European Digital Agenda.
Among others, there are being discussed issues regarding the cooperation of the Georgian regulator with the National Agency of Public Registry (NAPR) in the scope of sharing and updating of address database, as well as the critical infrastructure mapping. The guidelines prepared by UKE’s experts will be helpful and the Georgian regulator shall be able to implement all necessary solutions enabling telecommunications infrastructure and services mapping very soon.
UKE’s experts are also conducting workshops for the invited representatives of telecommunications operators and their chambers in Tbilisi. During these workshops the best European practices and standards related to the relevant markets' regulation, the SMP analysis and the SMP operators’ designation are shared. UKE’s experts are also presenting the benefits for the market from using the Margin Squeeze Tests. The workshops finalize all the activities previously conducted within the Component 3, dedicated to the relevant markets' analysis overview and the SMP designation.