Wojciech Berezowski appointed vice-chairman of CEPT Com-ITU
15 January 2019
Wojciech Berezowski, Head of the International Organizations Unit in the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE), was appointed at the meeting of CEPT in Copenhagen as the vice-chairman of the CEPT Com-ITU working group. This is another stage of building the position of the Polish regulator in the international arena in accordance with the strategic objectives of the President of UKE.
In the past, Wojciech Berezowski, among others, served as the Attaché on telecommunications and information society in the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union in Brussels during the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU and as the coordinator of the preparation of the European region to the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in 2014. During the last PP-18 Plenipotentiary Conference he was the vice-chairman of the Committee 5 responsible for legal and political matters, as well as chaired the work of the ad hoc group to consider selected proposals of Member States.
At present, Wojciech is also responsible for the operational support of the activities of the President of UKE Marcin Cichy in the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development at the UN in New York.
Com-ITU (The Committee for ITU Policy) is one of the three autonomous committees of the CEPT regional international organization – the other are CERP (postal market) and ECC (frequency management). Com-ITU is responsible for organising the CEPT’s (48 Member States) engagement with the ITU for all activities except World Radiocommunication Conferences.
Wojciech Berezowski will take the office for three years.