Updated list of areas for intervention in the fourth competition Action 1.1
11 December 2019
As part of the Operational Program Digital Poland for 2014-2020, an updated list of areas in the fourth call for proposals for project implementation co-financing for Action 1.1 "Elimination of territorial differences in the possibility of access to high-speed broadband internet" was announced. Due to the need to exclude 206 educational institutions and 2 units of the Volunteer Fire Brigade, UKE experts again carried out the process of designating areas where projects may be implemented under the call for proposals.
In the fourth call for proposals, entrepreneurs may submit applications for co-financing of projects in 35 competition areas, located in 12 voivodships. The maximum number of households that can be covered by the NGA network is 636 261.
There are 251 branches of municipal cultural centers and volunteer fire brigades that have a chance to access services with a speed of at least 100 Mbps. The amount of funding allocated for this call for proposals is PLN 578.5 million.
These funds are a great opportunity for areas without NGA networks, which is why we encourage telecommunications companies to submit applications for funding.
Details on the CPPC website (in Polish).
Map showing the number of households that can be covered and the minimum number of households to be covered in the designated areas for the 4th competition of Action 1.1 OPDP: