The President of UKE Marcin Cichy becomes a new member of the UN Broadband Commission
19 September 2018
The President of the Office of Electronic Communications, Marcin Cichy, becomes a member of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development, operating within the framework of the UN.
Marcin Cichy was invited to work in the Commission in relation to the activities fostering the development of electronic communications in Poland, including in the area of infrastructure investments and building digital skills of the Polish society.
The Commission has been operating since 2010 within the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and UNESCO under the chairmanship of UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay, President of Rwanda Paul Kagame, ITU Secretary General Houlin Zhao and Carlos Slim Helú, Mexican entrepreneur and president of Carlos Slim Foundation.
The Commission's task is supporting the global development of broadband Internet and information society to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN General Assembly. One of the tasks of the Broadband Commission's working groups is also to provide development strategies for technology and bridging the digital divide.
The members of the Commission include e.g.: the Vice-President of the European Commission Andrus Ansip, the Secretary General of OECD José Ángel Gurría, Professor of the Columbia University Jeffrey Sachs, high-level representatives of administration for ICT, as well as CEOs and board members of the international companies operating in the area of modern technologies (including Microsoft, Nokia, Ericsson, Huawei, Facebook, Cisco), sectoral organizations (Samena Telecommunications Council, GSMA) and the representatives of academia (MIT, Columbia University).
UKE President’s participation in the work of the Commission will create new opportunities to support the development of modern ICT technologies and promote Poland and Polish economy on the international arena.