Report "The role of the Internet in personal and professional life"
18 March 2019
Changing the Internet access to fiber optic enables or facilitates taking up many activities on the web - admit the majority of respondents of the report on the role of the Internet in personal and professional life, carried out for UKE.
The aim of the survey was to determine the impact of the fiber-optic access to the Internet on behaviours and activities taken on the Internet.
The fixed-line Internet has been present in the households of the respondents for many years. Nearly half of all respondents (45%) have been using the fixed-line access at home for over 9 years. In the case of people who use the fiber-optic Internet, this time is shorter - 50% of respondents have not been using it longer than for 6 years. What's more - for many of these people, the optical fiber is also the first type of fixed-line access to the Internet they have ever had in the household.
It turns out that people who have changed the access to fiber optic see changes primarily when watching movies online and making audio and video calls via instant messengers. More than half of respondents admit that the fibre-optic Internet affects a more pleasant spending of free time and the feeling of being „closer to the world”. And it is all because, comparing to persons using a different type of fixed-line Internet, the users of the fibre-optic connection are more frequently satisfied with the speed of the connection.
Not only the speed but also the price of the service are the most common criteria for choosing a fixed-line Internet provider. At the same time, respondents would be most likely to change the provider if their current operator has introduced data limits for access to the Internet at home.
Our survey also shows that over 1/3 of respondents run a business or commercial activity with the use of the Internet. Most often it is running their own Facebook fanpage or their own website.
We invite you to read the report.