Report on the state of the postal market in 2018
31 May 2019
How quickly the value of the Polish postal market increases and which services Polish people use the most - the latest "Report on the state of the postal market in 2018" is answering these questions.
For two years, the Polish postal market has been growing at an unprecedented pace. From 2016, revenues generated by postal operators increased in total by almost PLN 1.8 billion, which means an increase by 23%, and only in 2018 the increase in the value of postal services exceeded PLN 1 billion. It drove up the total value of the Polish postal market to the level of PLN 9.4 billion.
2018 was the second consecutive year in which the growth rate of the postal market value more than doubled the GDP growth rate of the entire Polish economy. While in 2017 there was a 10% increase in the value of the postal market at an increase in Poland’s GDP by 4.8%, in 2018 the growth of the postal market was even faster and reached the rate of 12% with the dynamics of Poland’s GDP amounting to 5.1%. It’s because of the growing number of courier parcels containing e-commerce goods. The courier segment of the Polish postal market is one of the fastest growing in Europe.
In 2018, we sent almost 369 million courier items - more than 100 million more than two years earlier. And the forecasts are even more optimistic - in 2020, the number of courier parcels can reach the level of 500 million items.
We invite you to read the report.