Polish startup at the Young ICT Leaders' Forum (YILF) and YILF Challenge 2018
13 August 2018
On 04-07 September 2018 Busan City, Republic of Korea will host the Young ICT Leaders' Forum (YILF) and YILF Challenge 2018 – international event organised by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Busan Metropolitan City.
The Forum aims to promote an active participation of youth in the digital economy, including promoting the engagement of youth in the field of ICTs, decreasing the digital divide and promoting research on emerging ICTs, particularly Internet of Things (IoT).
UKE recommended participation in this event to representatives of startups, with which it cooperates - lately i.a. during the WSIS Forum in Geneva and BEREC plenary meetings in Tri-City. InnoMesh Sp. z o.o. has been qualified and its representatives are going to attend the international event to present their ideas and achievements.
InnoMesh is a creator of Erly solution, which allows to borrow and return – through a special app – a powerbank from any location, for a limited time, for a fee. It is the first such service in Europe, which uses wireless technologies based on the Internet of Things.
Conference is organised by ITU, the UN specialised agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs). ITU comprises 193 member countries, as well as ICT regulatory authorities, many leading academic institutions and ca. 700 technological enterprises.
Detailed information about the event