Memorandum of Partnership and Cooperation with the NCEC, the Ukrainian national regulatory authority
09 December 2022
The President of UKE signed a new Memorandum on partnership and cooperation in the regulation of electronic communications with the NRA from Ukraine
On 8 December 2022, after the first day of the BEREC Plenary Meeting in Prague, the President of UKE PhD Jacek Oko and the Chairman of the State Commission for the Regulation of Electronic Communications, Radio Frequencies and Postal Services (NCEC) of Ukraine, Mr Oleksandr Zhyvotovskyi, signed a Memorandum on Partnership and Cooperation in the Regulation of Electronic Communications.
The purpose of this Memorandum is to strengthen and deepen cooperation between the Participants, including mutual support of institutional capacity in order to respond to any emergency situations affecting electronic communications sector; development, use and share of available tools for the rapid reconstruction in case of damage to electronic communication facilities and networks; cooperation with stakeholders from public and private sectors for implementation of joint initiatives and projects; creation of preconditions for intensification of cooperation between electronic communications sectors of both states.
The Memorandum contains the cooperation in following areas among others: managing of limited resources of electronic communications, spectrum border coordination, ensuring the quality of electronic communication services for end-users and access to physical infrastructure of electronic communications, protection of the rights of end-users of electronic communications and postal services, support of Ukraine’s (NCEC) integration into the EU and implementation of the EU legislation in electronic communications.
The Memorandum was concluded for a period of 5 years and enters into force on the day of signing by the Participants. The periods of the next 5 years will be automatically extended, unless terminated by one of the Participants.
So far, the basis for bilateral cooperation between UKE and NCEC has been the Declaration of Cooperation in the area of regulation of communications between the President of the Office of Electronic Communications of the Republic of Poland and the State Commission for the Regulation of Communications of Informatization of Ukraine of November 20, 2012, the provisions of which ceased to apply at the time of entry into force of the new Memorandum.
The decision to sign the new document, and not to extend the validity period of the earlier Declaration, was taken by the Participants in connection with numerous changes concerning the Ukrainian NRA, in particular the change of name and a significant number of competences.
After signing the Memorandum, the President of UKE and the Chairman of NCEC assessed that the bilateral cooperation between regulators from Polish and Ukraine has been very fruitful so far and expressed their deep conviction that further cooperation will be even more effective.