Meeting between the President of UKE and the Chairman of the Council of the CTU on 17 April 2024
18 April 2024
On 17 April 2024, a meeting was held in Prague between Mr Jacek Oko, President of the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) and Mr Marek Ebert, Chairman of the Council of the Czech Telecommunications Office (Český telekomunikační úřad – CTU). The meeting was also attended by Mr Karol Krzywicki, Deputy President of UKE, and Mr Jiří Šuchman and Mr Jiří Peterka, ITU Council Members, as well as experts from UKE and CTU.
During the meeting, the following issues were discussed: mobile signal transmission in border areas, regulation of markets 3a, 3b and 18 in Poland and the Czech Republic, the situation on the Czech market in view of the restructuring of the Czech Post Office and the change of the regulatory framework for the postal sector in the context of the new Postal Directive and preparations for the role of the Digital Services Coordinator under the Digital Services Act (DSA) in Poland and the Czech Republic.
Experts presented the position of Polish and Czech regulators on the above issues and exchanged views and good practices on bilateral regulatory issues of interest to both Parties. Representatives of UKE and CTU agreed on the need to continue discussions in the second half of May this year.