List of areas for intervention in fourth competition Measure 1.1
04 November 2019
As part of the Operational Programme Digital Poland for 2014-2020, a list of areas was announced in the fourth call of proposals for subsidization projects for Measure 1.1 "Elimination of territorial differences in the possibility of accessing high-capacity broadband internet".
UKE experts have defined areas in which projects may be implemented as part of the call of proposals. Their identification took place using data collected by UKE under the inventory of services and telecommunications infrastructure, results of social consultations of the "NGA" white areas, and information about projects implemented under OPDP.
Defining the areas was a complex and multi-stage process. For this purpose, a tool for determining the optimal course of the network was used to. This tool is based on the theoretical model of construction costs and forecasted demand. Using it direct transfer of public funds to the most requiring places is possible. An additional difficulty in determining the areas of intervention in the fourth call of proposals were the projects areas, where investments from the second call of proposals are underway. Due to this complications, intervention areas had to be designed in way that the beneficiaries networks of both calls would not intertwine.
In the fourth call of proposals entrepreneurs may submit applications for subsidization of projects implementation in 35 competition areas, located in 12 voivodships. The maximum number of households that can be covered by the NGA network is 652 574. In this areas are located 455 addresses of schools, municipal cultural centers and volunteer fire departments, which have an opportunity to get an access to services with a speed of at least 100 Mb/s. The amount of funding allocated for this call of proposals is PLN 579.5 million.
These funds are a great opportunity for areas without NGA networks, which is why we encourage telecommunications undertakings to submit proposals for subsidization.
More details on CPPC.