Initial assumptions for the 3.7 GHz tender
19 April 2019
Following the consultations carried out in 2018 on the frequencies allocated for 5G, questions from the market regarding the future distribution of bandwidth for these needs, UKE initiated actions to prepare for the tender for frequencies in the 3600-3800 MHz range.
In the annexes published below (in Polish), we present the initial assumptions for the tender that have been prepared.
Entities wishing to express their opinion are encouraged to send it to the address until 14 May 2019.
The collected opinions will help create documentation that will be subject to public consultation in the future.
According to the initial assumptions, the subject of the tender will be 4 nationwide frequency licences in the 3600-3800 MHz range, each covering 50 MHz of spectrum. It needs be noted that due to the licence decisions in force, the use of frequencies throughout the country will be possible with a later date than the date of delivery of the licence.
In the opinion of UKE, however, it is worth considering a tender for 4 frequency licences in the 3480-3800 MHz range, each covering 80 MHz of spectrum. In such a case:
- 2 licences could be nationwide licences (range 3640-3800 MHz), however, due to the licence decisions in force, the use of frequencies throughout the country would be possible with a later date than the date of delivery of the licence;
- 2 licences would not be nationwide (range 3480-3640 MHz) - these licences would not cover municipalities:
- in which there are licences in force with a period of validity longer than 4 years from the day of announcing the tender (the list of licences is available here - in Polish);
- mentioned in the remark POL. 48, Annex 2 to the National Table of Frequency Allocation.
The 3400-3480 range would be allocated for a local use.