Development Cooperation Project for GNCC (ComCom)
29 November 2022
On November 29, 2022, a video conference was held to close the development cooperation project, which was implemented from December 2021 for the benefit of a regulator from Georgia (Georgian State Communications Commission/Communication Commission, skr. GNCC/ComCom).
The closing conference was attended by the Deputy President of UKE, the Commissioner of the GNCC, the Project Coordinator and its direct participants - representatives of GNCC and UKE experts.
The aim of the project was to support the Georgian regulator in different areas of telecommunications market regulation.
Within of the project, four activities were carried out:
- Interactive workshop on IP interconnections and IP transit – 28 December 2021 (remotely).
- Study visit on practical aspects of consumer protection concerning legal entities using telecommunications services – 25 January 2022 (remotely).
- Interactive workshop on ex-ante regulation (from the basics of analysis to the issuance of a regulatory decision) – November 24, 2022 (remotely).
- Interactive workshop on the call termination market (international, local, transit operators) – 25 November 2022 (remotely).
In addition, at the request of colleagues from Georgia, a study on the principles of regulatory accounting and cost calculation was prepared.
All project activities were carried out, although not all of them in the form in which they were initially planned, most of them were workshops and all took place remotely. It is worth emphasizing the interactive nature of the activities, the Georgian side was very active during them and presented specific cases that it has to face. UKE experts shared their experiences and also provided information about similar cases known to them from other EU countries.
Both parties expressed their satisfaction with the implementation of the project and confirmed their willingness to continue cooperation.