Consultation of white NGA areas
07 August 2019
From 6 August to 6 September 2019, consultations of white NGA areas will continue for the purposes of subsequent interventions under the priority axis of the Operational Programme Digital Poland (POPC).
UKE has prepared the list of areas.
In this process, UKE used data from this year's inventory of infrastructure and telecommunications services. Locations covered by investment plans submitted as part of public consultations of NGA white areas held in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 were excluded. The following locations were considered reliable and confirmed as completed investments before the start of this year's consultations. From the database of "the NGA white areas", UKE also excluded address points covered by the 1st POPC competition, address points to be covered by projects from the 2nd POPC competition (with 15% buffer) and areas for which agreements on project financing were signed within the first and the second round of the 3rd competition in measure 1.1 of POPC.
To determine the areas for consultation, the data were linked to the TERYT dictionary (National Official Register of the Territorial Division of the Country, the official register of the Polish territorial division, maintained by the Statistics Poland - GUS) and to reference address dictionaries. Then the gathered data were appropriately standardised. Eventually, the data were analysed in terms of telecommunications infrastructure or investment projects, also in the framework of POPC.
UKE's employees will also be members of the interdepartmental team responsible for assessing the notified investment plans.
In 2019, we run consultations for almost 2.9 m address points, including over 3.3k school addresses. The public consultation lasts from 6 August to 6 September.
As part of consultations, the Ministry of Digital Affairs is collecting investment plans on broadband infrastructure for the period of 3 years.