BEREC study trip
29 March 2019
Each year, BEREC organises a study trip to a non-EU country to gain insights from the local electronic communications markets and digital ecosystem. The BEREC delegation holds technical discussions with representatives from regulatory agencies, the relevant ministries, as well as telecom operators and other stakeholders in the industry. Last year, the delegation visited Canada and the USA. Previous destinations have included Japan and India.
This year from 31 March to 5 April, the BEREC Chair for 2019 Mr Jeremy Godfrey (ComReg) and Vice-Chairs Johannes Gungl (RTR), Mr Dan Sjöblom (PTS), Mr Marcin Cichy (UKE), Ms Tanja Muha (AKOS), Mr Konstantinos Masselos (EETT) and Ms Elisabeth Aarsaether (Nkom) accompanied by Mr Tom Boyce (ComReg) and Ms Elisabeth Dornetshumer (RTR) will visit Beijing, Hong Kong and Shenzhen in the People’s Republic of China.
The delegation are scheduled to meet institutions from the EU (EU Delegation and Ambassador in China and Hong Kong as well as the EU Chamber of Commerce), national administrative bodies such as the China Academy for Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau and the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA, Hong Kong). In addition, the delegation will meet telco operators (China Mobile, Hutchinson and PCCW), online e-commerce provider
(Tencent) and equipment manufacturers (ZTE, Huawei).