
  • President of UKE imposed a fine on Skynet sp. z o.o. for the lack of internet speed specification in its contracts

    06 September 2019

    The fine was imposed due to non-compliance with the obligation specified in Article 4 (1) (d) of Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2015/2120 on open internet access, i.e. the obligation to include information on the minimum, normally available and maximum download and upload data speeds in contracts for internet access. more President of UKE imposed a fine on Skynet sp. z o.o. for the lack of internet speed specification in its contracts

  • UKE joins the OECD Network of Economic Regulators

    02 September 2019

    The Office of Electronic Communications has joined the OECD Network of Economic Regulators (NER), which brings together more than 70 regulators from around the world, from various sectors. more UKE joins the OECD Network of Economic Regulators

  • „Coding with UKE” recognized as a Winner in the international competition organized by ITU

    29 August 2019

    „Coding with UKE” was recognized as a Winner in the ITU Innovation Challenge – an international contest organized by ITU as a part of the ITU Telecom World 2019. more „Coding with UKE” recognized as a Winner in the international competition organized by ITU

  • EU consultation on implementing regulation establishing a template for the contract summary

    21 August 2019

    European Commission has launched consultation on proposal for implementing regulation establishing a template for the contract summary to be used by providers of publicly available electronic communications services pursuant to Directive establishing the European Electronic Communications Code. more EU consultation on implementing regulation establishing a template for the contract summary

  • EC workshop on the fixed cost model

    19 August 2019

    European Comission announced, that the full workshop on the fixed cost model will be on 26 September 2019 in Brussels. more EC workshop on the fixed cost model

  • Universal inter-operator cooperation procedures in POPC - invitation to the workshops

    09 August 2019

    more Universal inter-operator cooperation procedures in POPC - invitation to the workshops

  • Consultation of white NGA areas

    07 August 2019

    From 6 August to 6 September 2019, consultations of white NGA areas will continue for the purposes of subsequent interventions under the priority axis of the Operational Programme Digital Poland (POPC). more Consultation of white NGA areas

  • Analysis of Roam Like At Home

    01 August 2019

    After one and a half year since implementation of the Roam Like at Home (RLAH) principle, losses of operators for the provision of retail roaming services in the EEA have stopped growing. more Analysis of Roam Like At Home