Workshop for the the Georgian Communications Commission
23 June 2020
On 23 June 2020, a video workshop organised by UKE for the Georgian Communications Commission (CC) on the existing legal framework for supporting broadband infrastructure development in Poland took place.
The aim of the workshop was to provide knowledge on selected issues from the Act on supporting the development of telecommunications services and networks. UKE experts also discussed the rules of operation of the
Telecommunications Information Point run by UKE and the public availability of a digital map for the purpose of infrastructure sharing.
Cooperation between regulators dates back to 2011, when the Memorandum of Understanding between UKE and CC was signed in Tbilisi. Since then, contacts between UKE and CC have become regular and cooperation is very effective. So far, several bilateral projects have been jointly implemented, including two under the Polish Aid programme. In addition, UKE has participated in the implementation of the twinning project for the Georgian regulator entitled " Supporting the Georgian National Communications Commission in development of its electronic communications regulatory framework and operational capacities in line with EU regulatory framework ".