Visit of the Lithuanian regulator RRT to the UKE
29 April 2024
On 24-25 April 2024, UKE hosted a visit of the Lithuanian regulator – the Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT). Experts from Poland and Lithuania exchanged experiences in spectrum monitoring, product market surveillance, frequency coordination and network security and resilience.
On the first day, the meeting started with a discussion of possible cooperation between UKE and RRT in the field of spectrum monitoring in border areas. The focus was on the negative effects of interferences, how to identify them and what action regulators can take. This was followed by a discussion of control activities on the quality of Internet access service, market surveillance on the EMC and RED directives and tools used to measure the quality of Internet access for end users. Experiences on effective spectrum monitoring practices were also exchanged and possible joint cooperation in this area was discussed.
UKE representatives presented the topic on 5G private networks in the 3800 - 4200 MHz frequency band. In addition, network security and resilience issues were discussed, including spam and fraud issues in the electronic communications sector and actions to protect users from harmful SMS messages and phone calls.
At the end of the meeting, Mr Jacek Oko, President of UKE, and Ms Jūratė Šovienė, Chair of the RRT Council, signed a Technical Agreement concerning the use of terrestrial systems capable of providing electronic communications services in the frequency band 3400-3800 MHz in border areas.
On the second day of the meeting, the RRT delegation visited UKE's facility in Borucza - the Central Radio Emissions Control Station, the Data Processing Centre of the Location and Information Platform with the Central Database (PLI CBD) and the Central Laboratory for Technical Testing (CLBT). As part of the visit, experts from UKE presented the PLI CBD and CLBT, as well as specialised spectrum monitoring vehicles, including a new generation mobile monitoring station. Demonstrations included the operation of a telescopic mast (installation of antennas using a new solution) and the measurement capabilities of the radio direction finder.
The President of UKE and the Chair of the RRT Council expressed their interest in intensifying bilateral cooperation, including joint activities on spectrum monitoring in border areas and ongoing contacts at expert level.