UKE projects nominated in WSIS Prizes 2020
23 December 2019
"Certify - Verify" and "Mind the sign" were nominated in the WSIS Prizes 2020 competition organized by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). We encourage you to vote for our projects.
The first of them concerns the mechanism of monitoring the quality of Internet access certified by the President of UKE, which is available to every consumer since December 2018 and allows checking the convergence of parameters (data transmission speed, delays) contained in the contract for the service provided with the actual ones. The measurement may be the basis for making a complaint.
The second project - “Mind the sign” - concerns UKE's policy of accessibility directed at people with special needs, including providing them with the highest quality services at every stage of contact with UKE.
To vote for the "Certify - Verify" and "Mind the sign" projects, you must register on the WSIS Prizes 2020 website and select your favorites (in each category). Voting lasts until January 24, 2020.