UKE hosts European regulators, members of BEREC and IRG in Warsaw
07 December 2023
On December 6-8, 2023, the President of the Office of Electronic Communications organizes plenary meetings of the Board of Regulators and the Management Board of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), as well as the General Assembly of the Independent Regulators Group (IRG) in Warsaw.
BEREC members are electronic communications regulators from European Union countries. Other European regulators without voting rights also participate in BEREC's work. BEREC, during its work, prepares opinions, recommendations, guidelines, advices or regulatory best practice on regulation and development of electronic communications and supports in the consistent implementation and application of the EU regulatory framework. The work carried out by BEREC contributes to the development and better functioning of the market for electronic communications networks and services and to bring greater benefits to users of the market.
BEREC's work focuses on three strategic priorities: 1) promoting full connectivity and the development of secure, reliable high-capacity networks in Europe; 2) supporting the development of sustainable, open digital markets and exploring conditions and challenges existing in these markets; and 3) supporting users and building trust in digital technologies and services for them as well as enabling them to make better-informed choices.