Thirty-five projects evaluated in the 4th competition under Action 1.1 Digital Poland Programme (POPC)
16 July 2020
In reference to the announcement on the CPPC website (in Polish) regarding the outcome of the 4th competition for Action 1.1 POPC, we would like to inform you that the Office of Electronic Communications participated in one of three parts of the assessment process, i.e. the 2nd degree substantive assessment.
We evaluated thirty-five applications.
The projects selected for co-financing will cover 19 out of 35 areas designated for intervention.
In the indicated areas, 144,838 households, 9 Municipal Cultural Centers and 132 units of Volunteer Fire Brigades will be connected to broadband internet with a capacity of at least 100 Mbps. The total value of co-financing obtained by the beneficiaries of the 4th competition is over PLN 317 million.
Each project was evaluated by three experts in terms of meeting technical and economic requirements. The procedure for selecting projects for funding included on the verification of investment areas, checking the relevant product and result indicators and on assessing whether the technical concept of the project complies with the requirements for connecting households, Municipal Cultural Centers and Volunteer Fire Brigades to the fourth competition under Measure 1.1 POPC (Operational Program Digital Poland).
Experts also assessed the effectiveness of project implementation. There were also situations provided for in the Competition Regulations when the applicant was asked to clarify doubts as to the content of the application.
As part of the assessment, UKE also conducted the so-called routing (determining the model route of the network together with cost estimates) for all address points declared by the applicants. The Authority also verified the possible duplication of networks. This means that each of the thirty-five projects was thoroughly analyzed in terms of real possibilities of designing the network in the declared course.
Below you can find a map of the areas resolved, indicating the projects recommended for co-financing.