Test the mechanism for monitoring the quality of Internet access - until November 2
26 October 2020
Tests of the new version of the application for desktop computers, which are part of the mechanism for monitoring the quality of Internet access, are being launched.
Due to the delay in the competition caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, tests will continue until November 2, 2020. The public tests were preceded by a verification of the mechanism by an external expert.
The new mechanism will replace the current one, for which the certification period expires on November 30, 2020. Its task is to increase user protection and competition between providers based on the quality of services provided.
The measurement system is prepared by the company V-Speed sp.z o.o., selected in the competition. The system consists of a website, desktop application and WEB application. A mobile application will also be available (operating on Android and iOS), however due to legal and technical conditions, the results of mobile measurements will only be of informative nature.
In the new version of the mechanism, there are several changes important for the user:
• increasing the maximum measured speed from 1 Gbps to 2.5 Gbps
• increasing the availability of applications for various operating systems (Windows and Mac oS)
• introducing the option of automatic sequential measurements
• exemption from registration obligation for purely informative measurements
• introduction of the English language version of the application and website.
Certification is the consumer's right to claim
Under EU law, fixed-line Internet providers are required to provide the minimum, usually available and maximum data transmission offered in contracts. If breaches of contractual speeds are demonstrated through a certified mechanism, consumers will have a basis for effective claims against providers. This is the advantage of the mechanism certified by the President of UKE over the measurement tools available on the net.
What does the app measure?
With the desktop application, the consumer can check the upload and download speeds, latency and latency variability of hers/his fixed internet service. Unlike other tools available on the web, the application will allow for a reliable measurement of the service, as it will verify the conditions under which it was performed. The application will check, among others such elements as CPU load, type of network card, the presence of active VPN links, intensity of generated traffic, number of devices in the user's home network.
Is it possible to submit a complaint about the quality of service based on the test results obtained?
During the test period, the measurement results are for information use only and cannot be used for complaint purposes. Upon completion of the tests and final verification of the application, the President of UKE will certify the mechanism. Then the results can be used to verify the quality of the provided service with the conditions specified in the contract. Until November 30, 2020, you can still fully use the current version of the certified mechanism available at: https://pro.speedtest.pl
How to run the test?
To use the trial version of the mechanism:
• go to the website: https://beta.pro.speedtest.pl/
• install the application
• once the device has been prepared according to the instructions, the quality of the service can be measured.
To perform certified measurements:
• register
• after logging in to the created account, download and install the application for personal computers.
Until when can the test version of the application be used?
The open tests will last until November 2, 2020. After their completion, the President of UKE will perform the final verification of the mechanism's compliance with the technical requirements and will decide on the certification of the mechanism.
Where can I submit comments on the application?
If, when using the tested application, the consumer encounters problems with its functioning or would like to share comments regarding the operation of the test version of the application, she or he may do so by sending an e-mail to cm@uke.gov.pl by November 2, 2020. The comments will allow the evaluation of the functioning of the application and will enable its improvement.
More about the announcement of the start of the competition and the results of the competition is available on the website of the Public Information Bulletin of UKE (in Polish).