Summary of the Strategy of the President of UKE 2017-2021
29 May 2020
A summary of the implementation of the document "Strategic lines of actions of the President of UKE for 2017-2021", in connection with the end of the term in office of the President of UKE. Due to the fact that the term in office has been shortened, the summary shows the situation as of May 2020.
Protection of consumer interests, development of infrastructure and services, increased competition through optimal regulations and development of own competences by following the values of Honesty, Creativity and Efficiency - these were the main areas of the Regulator’sactivity during the passing term of office.
The mission of the President of UKE was to provide citizens with access to modern telecommunications and postal services in a developing market and in a dynamic international environment. In accordance with the vision of the President of UKE, the regulator should be an objective, professional and credible moderator of market developments, working with an understanding of the needs of society and the rules of functioning of the business sector.
Protection of consumer interests
The protection of consumer interests was implemented by the President of UKE, e.g. by adjusting telecommunications services to consumer needs, improving the quality of services, information and education activities. The implemented mechanism for monitoring the Internet quality and certification of desktop applications was the flagship tool for improving the quality of services.
Thanks to out-of-court dispute resolution (ADR) methods, it has become easier for consumers to enforce their rights. Over 3.5 million PLN was recovered for consumers.
Infrastructure and services development
The President of UKE has been building an optimal environment, encouraging SMP operators to invest, promoting joint investment and supporting the idea of sharing infrastructure. The passive infrastructure sharing model was implemented.
Frequencies from the 700 MHz band were made available for broadband systems and implementation of 5G technology in Poland begun. 456 decisions were issued authorizing 5G technology tests in the 2100 MHz, 3.5 GHz, 26 GHz and 28 GHz bands.
Thanks to the support for Operational Program Digital Poland (POPC) implementation, 163 projects received funding and over 2 million households will be covered by the network.
Competition thanks to optimal regulations
Market analysis were carried out using a local approach. Decisions were issued for BSA (151 municipal areas were considered competitive) and LLU (51 municipal areas were considered competitive). The process of convergence and migration of services to the IP network was also supported, as well as effective inter-operator cooperation. Support was provided for the development of e-commerce in the postal sector.
The President of UKE participated in the creation of national and international regulations. He also conducted substantive cooperation with international organisations. He was the Vice-President of BEREC, the President of the Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network (EaPeReg) and the Vice-President of the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP). UKE experts also cooperated with, among others, the World Bank and ITU.
UKE 3.0 = Honesty, Creativity, Efficiency
The motto UKE 3.0 = Honesty, Creativity, Effectiveness, accompanying the passing term in office of the President of UKE is, in practice, the effective construction of an on-line office by digitizing contact with clients, and providing persons with specific needs with easy access to information. A uniform ICT data platform was also implemented: the Telecommunications Information Point (PIT).
We invite you to read the Summary of the Strategy of the President of UKE 2017-2021.