Successful 5G tests during BEREC plenary meetings in Poland
14 June 2018
The Office of Electronic Communications together with Nokia have carried out successful 5G tests during the 35th plenary meetings of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) which is taking place in Tri-City. This is the first time the regulator has initiated 5G tests.
During tests at 28 GHz frequency held on 14 June in Sopot we succeeded in reaching 375 Mb/s transfer in the radio channel of 100 MHz bandwidth with latency of 4-10 ms. Scorpio robot, i.e. a mobile Mars rover designed by students from the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, was used for the 5G pilot.
This is not the only modern technology presented during the 35th BEREC plenary. UKE invited young engineers from the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Gdansk University of Technology and University of Gdansk to showcase their projects, including:
• unmanned air system for blood transport,
• LEM Falcon – electric motorcycle,
• Erly – city rentable powerbank station,
• Hera – intelligent system for monitoring newborn babies,
• netBaltic – multi-system broadband network on the sea,
• Solutions 4 Tomorrow - autonomous landing system for drones.