Sławomir Olszewski as co-chair of BEREC’s Remedies Expert Working Group
25 January 2019
Sławomir Olszewski was appointed as a co-chair of the Remedies EWG at the plenary meeting in Prague.
Both co-chairs are appointed for a two-year term, with a possibility of re-election. They are in charge of accomplishing the group’s tasks specified in BEREC’s annual Work Programme, organisation and chairing of group meetings, and coordination of activities among experts from other NRAs, including cooperation with the European Commission.
In 2019, the Remedies EWG, co-chaired by Sławomir and Annegret Groebel from the German regulator BnetzA, will focus on guidelines concerning minimum requirements for reference offers in relation to the transparency obligation, report on margin squeeze tests, regulatory accounting report, cases under Article 7 and 7a of the Framework Directive, and analysis of the need for updating those procedures in the light of adoption of the Directive establishing the European Electronic Communications Code.
Sławomir Olszewski has a degree in humanities from the University of Warsaw. He also completed a post-graduate course on competition protection and regulation of infrastructural sectors at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw. He has 10 years’ experience in relevant markets regulation, designation of operators with significant market power and imposition of regulatory obligations (including several years as head of the SMP Unit at UKE). At present, Sławomir is also the leader of one of the components of the EU twinning project aimed at supporting the Georgian telecommunications regulatory authority (GNCC) in the application and implementation of the EU regulatory framework.
Sławomir Olszewski is another colleague from UKE actively involved in international work. This contributes to building the position of the Polish regulator in Europe and the NRA’s strategic goals.