Report on the state of the postal market in 2019
30 June 2020
What is the current value of the Polish postal market, which services are most popular among Poles and which were the most advertised - these questions are answered in our latest "Report on the state of the postal market in 2019".
For three years, the postal market in Poland has been growing extremely dynamically. Since entering the path of rapid growth in 2016, the total value of the market has already increased by a total of over PLN 2.5 bn, growing at a rate more than twice as fast as the entire Polish economy.
In 2019, the total value of revenues obtained by postal operators in Poland exceeded the barrier of PLN 10 bn. The main driver of growth was still the courier segment, which is invariably one of the fastest growing in Europe. In 2019, over 440 mn courier items were delivered to Poles - almost 20% more than a year earlier.
Development forecasts for the postal market in Poland are still optimistic. According to analysts, the courier industry is one of the few for whom the global crisis caused by the pandemic may provide an impetus for development following the further expansion of online trade.
We invite you to read the report.