Report on the state of the Polish telecommunications market in 2020
30 June 2021
What was the volume of revenues from individual telecommunications services, how many users remained with the traditional fixed-line telephony service, what was the interest in VoIP, and how many customers used mobile phone SIM cards, and how did the COVID-19 crisis affect the use of internet or television services by Poles? We present a report on the state of the telecommunications market in 2020.
In 2020, there was a slight increase in revenues from telecommunications services, which amounted to PLN 40.8 billion. The value of the investment was PLN 7.5 billion. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the development of high-speed internet. Almost 59% of fixed-line Internet users have already used Internet access services using lines with a minimum bit rate of 100Mb / s, the use of mobile access in 4G technology has also increased. It is estimated that in 2025 66% of users will use 5G access.
Traditional fixed-line telephony services enjoyed less and less interest, which in 2020 were provided to 3.1 million users, i.e. 12% less than in 2019. Revenues in this market segment also decreased. On the other hand, VoIP services, used by 2.5 million people, gained an increasing share in the structure of fixed-line telephony services. Although the number of VoIP users has not increased significantly, the duration of calls in this technology has increased noticeably, especially in relation to business, which was undoubtedly influenced by remote work.
The downward trend in the mobile telephony market that has occurred in recent years has changed. The number of SIM cards increased slightly, while revenues and traffic increased quite significantly.
There have been no particular changes in the bundled services market. Double play was still the most popular package, the most frequently used of which was the "mobile telephony + mobile internet" package.
From year to year, the share of satellite television in the total number of users of television services is slightly decreasing. In 2020, however, more than half of the users still used this technology.
The number of telecommunications network terminals in 2020 amounted to 45.5 million - most of them were mobile network terminals. Among households, 75.9% of them have access to NGA class networks, enabling Internet access with a bandwidth of at least 30 Mb / s. At the same time, among the provided fixed-line internet access services, services with a capacity of at least 30 Mb / s constitute 74% of all services.
We invite you to download and read the report.