Procedures for inter-operator cooperation regarding access to the POPC (OPDP) network
03 February 2020
We have prepared a document with consolidated recommendations for inter-operator cooperation related to the obligation to provide wholesale access to the POPC (OPDP, Operational Programme Digital Poland) network by Access Network Operators who are beneficiaries of Measure 1.1 of POPC.
Thanks to the Procedures (available as an attachment under the Polish version of the message), the effectiveness of inter-operator cooperation in the scope of granting and using wholesale access in POPC will increase. This is important for operators using the POPC network. It will also affect the attractiveness of the beneficiaries’ network. The provisions in the procedures were developed on the basis of previous practices in the field of agreement by UKE of the reference offers of POPC beneficiaries, operator solutions and comments submitted during workshops, meetings and consultations.
The recommendations consolidate documents currently in force in the field of wholesale access in POPC:
"Requirements for NGA-POPC networks" (in Polish)
The new Procedures include, among others, elements concerning the division of services into backhaul and access, sales activities, change of service provider and forms of securing claims.
Consultations on the draft Procedures lasted from 25 July to 16 September 2019. As part of preparations of the document, we organized workshops to discuss the project on 3 September and 9 December 2019.
The Procedures will form a recommendation of the President of UKE regarding the principles of ensuring wholesale access to the POPC network.