OPDP workshop material
21 March 2019
On 19 March 2019, the Office of Electronic Communications, a specialist institution within Axis I of the Operational Programme Digital Poland (OPDP), organized a workshop in Warsaw for applicants and beneficiaries of measure 1.1 OPDP.
The workshop participants had the opportunity to learn about the possibilities of financing OPDP broadband investments, rules for preparing beneficiaries for the inspection of telecommunications networks deployed under OPDP, as well as technical requirements and practical aspects of wholesale access. A tool to conduct Margin Squeeze Tests for OPDP networks was also presented during the workshop. The workshop was organised as part of the Digital Poland Operational Programme technical assistance for the Office of Electronic Telecommunications, co-financed by the European Union as part of the European Regional Development Fund.
Below you may find the material from this workshop.
The material related to the Margin Squeeze testing tool is available at the website of UKE.