Małgorzata Ignatowicz becomes a World Bank Group Private Sector Liaison Officer
31 October 2019
As of October 2019, Małgorzata Ignatowicz, an expert at Social and Economic Cooperation Unit of the Department of Foreign Affairs, is a World Bank Group Private Sector Liaison Officer.
The role of liaison officer includes disseminating the World Bank Group business opportunities within entrepreneurs and acting as a voice of the national private sector in advising the Bank on how to better engage companies on development issues. Every year Bank funds over 1,800 investment projects in 172 countries. The annual total value of procurement contracts is estimated at $20 billion.
The market of projects and procurement of the World Bank Group is open to Polish entrepreneurs, including ICT sector. The Office of Electronic Communications undertakes information activities to promote these business opportunities.
Małgorzata Ignatowicz graduated in Law at the University of Warsaw, the American law at the Fredric G. Levin College of Law, University of Florida and postgraduate studies on public procurement at the Warsaw School of Economics. Additionally, she is certified in the UN procurement, UNDP/CIPS. She is a member of the OECD public procurement working group and the OECD Network of Economic Regulators. Małgorzata Ignatowicz has a proven track record in supporting businesses' internationalisation, including project and procurement within international organizations.
Małgorzata Ignatowicz is also responsible for operational cooperation between the President of UKE, Marcin Cichy, and the management of the World Bank Group, Washington DC, including the projects related to development of broadband infrastructure in selected countries.