Internship of Moldovan regulator's employees at UKE
27 April 2022
On 26-29 April, 2 employees of the Moldovan National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) will complete an internship at UKE.
The internship is an activity in the project "Strengthening the capacity of the Moldovan National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) by the President of the Office of Electronic Communications in relation to the telecommunications and postal markets, with particular regard to EU legislation", implemented under the Multiannual Development Cooperation Programme for 2021-2030 - Solidarity for Development of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
During the internship, ANRCETI employees will learn about the legal regulations and practical aspects of telecommunications universal service in Poland, including: the current scope of service, designation entrepreneurs obliged to provide it and UKE's procedures for financing and compensation of net costs. In addition, UKE employees will introduce the trainees to the regulations and practice in force in Poland regarding the sharing of telecommunications infrastructure, including MVNO access to MNO networks and UKE's methods of determining rates for access to telecommunications infrastructure and dispute resolution practices.
The information gained during the internship will be used by ANRCETI staff in the development of the Moldovan legal framework for universal service and the principles of sharing telecommunications infrastructure.