How to obtain wholesale access to POPC and RSS networks? A guide for telecommunications operators
27 November 2019
The President of UKE has prepared a guide for telecommunications operators interested in obtaining wholesale access to Regional Broadband Networks (RSS) or networks built as part of Measure 1.1 of the Operational Programme Digital Poland (POPC).
The purpose of the document is to present the principles of wholesale access and the rights of operators.
The guide presents services offered under RSS and POPC networks. It also indicates where to look for information on address points declared to be covered by the POPC networks. In addition, it contains information on the rules for setting the upper limit of wholesale fees. Finally, it introduces regulations regarding negotiations on
wholesale access and the possibility of requesting intervention by the President of UKE in the event of failure of these negotiations.
An attachment to the guide is the recommended application form to the President of UKE for a decision regarding access to the infrastructure or telecommunications network constructed, rebuilt, renovated or acquired using public funds.
We invite you to read the guide. If you have any questions, please contact us!