Free accessibility training
03 July 2019
We invite you to participate in the free, one-day accessibility training organized by the Widzialni Foundation, which will take place on 15, 18 and 22 July at the premises of the Office.
The scope of training includes:
1. Implementation of accessibility standards in the organization, 15.07.2019.
2. Using WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) to create and customize websites, 18.07.2018 (UKE).
3. Auditing digital documents based on the WCAG standard, 22.07.2019 (UKE).
4. The application of accessibility standards and good practices in the process of organizing the event, enabling the participation of persons with individual needs.
5. Using the WCAG standard to create and customize mobile applications.
6. Designing and conducting research on the availability of electronic information with the participation of users - testers with individual needs.
The training sessions are organized as part of piloting new market qualifications. Their goal is to transfer and enhance the competences of those responsible for accessibility in the organization.
The pilot programme provides for the possibility of participating in the training and validation of more than one qualification.
Applications should be submitted via e-mail by 9 July 2019 to: Tomasz.Hupalo@uke.gov.pl.
A correctly filled application should contain:
1. Name and surname, position;
2. Company name;
3. Information about the chosen qualifications:
• Implementation of accessibility standards in the organization.
• Using the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standard to create and customize websites.
• Auditing digital documents based on the WCAG standard.
• The application of accessibility standards and good practices in the process of organizing the event, enabling the participation of persons with individual needs.
• Using the WCAG standard to create and customize mobile applications.
• Designing and conducting research on the availability of electronic information with the participation of users - testers with individual needs.
Due to the limited number of seats, the applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis.
What is accessibility and why is it so important?
Accessibility is a feature of the environment (physical space, digital reality, information and communication systems, products, services) that supports people with special needs. In this way, it enables independent living and participation in the social and economic life of the country and the local environment, as well as taking advantage of the opportunities they create on an equal basis with others.
Increasing the availability and quality of services for people with special needs on the telecommunications and postal markets is one of the priorities of the President of UKE, included in the Strategic lines of actions of the President of UKE for 2017-2021.