First completed application evaluations as part of the first round within the 3rd competition of the 1.1 measure under Operation
29 June 2018
The Office of Electronic Communications has actively participated in the preparations for the first round of the 3rd competition within measure 1.1 of OPDP. As a specialist institution, we have participated in determining intervention areas, identified „white areas”, and taken part in the examination of investment plans and public consultations. We have performed a number of analyses and shared the necessary information concerning the existing telecommunications infrastructure and broadband services.
We participate in the project selection procedure by performing the second stage substantive assessment of applications for project co-financing. Such assessment consists in, inter alia, verification of investment areas, checking the relevant output and result indicators, and evaluation whether the project technical concept meets the requirements for connecting households and educational facilities adopted for the first round of the 3rd competition. We are also engaged in project effectiveness assessments.
In addition, we systematically answer beneficiaries’ questions concerning the obligation to provide wholesale access to the network, services and infrastructure created as part of the project, and recommendations regarding technical standards. We also hold consultations and workshops for market participants.