Exchange of information between internet access service providers
28 July 2020
Work is underway to develop a model for the exchange of messages between operators or service providers for the purposes of exercising the subscriber's right to maintain the continuity of the internet access service in the event of a change in the service delivery.
According to the provisions of art. 70 paragraph 3 of the Act of May 14, 2020 amending certain acts in the field of protective measures in connection with the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the President of UKE was obliged to define the method and mode of exchanging messages between operators or service providers for the purposes of exercising the subscriber's right to maintaining the continuity of the internet access service in the event of a change in the service delivery.
We would like to inform you that UKE is currently working to develop a message exchange model applicable until the final solution is built, i.e. the ICT system referred to in art. 78a paragraph 1 of the Telecommunications Law Act of July 16, 2004. The document will be presented for consultation at the end of August this year.