ENISA and CERT-EU recommendations on cyber security
24 February 2022
The growing threat of ransomware, the resulting losses and the increasing number of attacks on critical infrastructure are one of today's biggest cyber security challenges. ENISA together with CERT-EU have jointly developed a set of good practices, the application of which can significantly improve the level of IT security of organizations.
The EU Cyber Security Agency (ENISA) together with CERT-EU in a joint communication reports a clear increase in the level of cyber security threats for both private and public organisations across the EU. The main factors in this regard are:
- the growing threat of Ransomware, putting millions of entities at risk,
- financial gains, motivating cybercriminals to act,
- The exponential increase in the number of attacks on critical infrastructure is growing, which may impact other sectors of the economy.
Therefore, ENISA and CERT-EU encourage all public and private sector organizations in the EU to adopt a minimum set of cyber security best practices.
The document is available at: "Boost your Organization's Cyber resilience - Joint Publication". Applying the recommendations included in the document in a consistent and systematic way, will significantly contribute to improving the cyber resilience of organizations in the EU, thus contributing to the overall level of security in Europe.