Consumer survey of start-ups
11 March 2019
We present the results of the latest consumer survey, conducted in November 2018, containing information on the use of telecommunications services by start-up founders.
Do they use a fixed-line or mobile Internet access? Do they need OTT and 5G services? Do they install anti-virus programmes? And how do they evaluate the telecommunications market and what operators offer them? These questions are answered by the latest UKE report, in which we asked the owners of the Polish start-ups for opinions.
Start-ups evaluate the telecommunications market well. They are most satisfied with the quality of services, their scope and matching with the needs and access to services. The lowest rate, however, is indicated for the transparency of offers and the effectiveness of complaints. One fourth of respondents see the positive changes that took place in the past year on the telecommunications services market.
It is not a surprise that all surveyed start-ups have access to the Internet, including over 67 percent via a fixed line. At the same time, 75 percent of respondents declare that they use mobile Internet because they need to have access also outside the company's headquarters. The vast majority (over 67%) of the respondents consider the Internet to be a key tool necessary for their core business. They use it primarily for internal communication and for communication with customers. No wonder that, according to start-ups, the development of the 5G network will primarily translate into improved communication and will expand the companies’ offers.
Over 80 percent of the start-ups participating in the survey also use the Over-The-Top (OTT) services. The most frequently used services include Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype and Slack. The same percentage use anti-virus, anti-spyware and other programmes, while more than half apply solutions that increase the level of privacy on the web.
Who are the representatives of the Polish start-ups? Our research shows that these are definitely more likely men than women, people aged 18-39, with higher education. They were guided by an idea for an innovative product, fitting in a "gap" on the market. Among their products, the ones that dominate are related to the programming & developers tools, Big Data, data center and education. However, only four start-ups declared that they cooperate with telecommunications undertakings.
The aspects that bother start-ups primarily include the lack of financial resources, staff and contact base. And yet, over 73 percent of them already sell their products. Almost 36 percent intend to start the sale in the coming year.
We invite you to read the report.