Consumer Survey 2021 - individual customers
28 January 2022
More than 50% of surveyed Poles between the ages of 15 and 24 indicated an increase in demand for telecom services during the COVID-19 pandemic, which continues for another year. For the country as a whole, the percentage was half that, according to our latest survey showing how individual customers used telecom services in 2021 and how they rated their quality.
In 2021, as in the previous year, the most used services were voice calls - indicated by almost every second person surveyed. 4 out of 10 people used instant messaging. Every third person also mentioned social networks, and every fifth person watched TV/movies, shopped online or sent text messages. Services such as sending MMS messages, listening to music/radio or playing games were used less frequently.
Respondents were positive about telecommunication services during the pandemic. The percentage of positive responses was over 80% for service availability and 77% for the quality of the connections and service reliability. More than 67% of the respondents positively assessed the price aspect of telecommunication services.
More than 77% of respondents used the Internet, half of which had fixed-line access. Three-fourths of mobile phone owners used the Internet service on their phones, most often in the form of a subscription. Mobile Internet was mainly used for web browsing, as well as for social networking and instant messaging.
During the following pandemic year, every tenth respondent performed remote work. Those who worked remotely most often performed their work in this form between 10 and 20 working days per month. The vast majority of respondents (about 94%) who provided remote work assessed the quality of their work positively.
The survey found that the average amount of time spent online during the pandemic increased by an hour on average compared to the pre-pandemic period (from 3.1 hours to 4.1 hours). Just over 22% of those using the Internet used it for work purposes, spending an average of just over an hour and a half per day on work-related activity.
What else can we learn from the survey?
The vast majority of Poles are familiar with the concept of 5G network. Only 26 percent of respondents claim that they have not met with it before. People who use mobile phones are mostly satisfied with the parameters of the network they use so far. However, nearly half of those surveyed believe that 5G will be faster and more efficient than 4G. The survey additionally showed mixed opinions regarding the harmfulness of radiation from 5G transmitters. Concerns are shared by nearly six out of ten respondents, while about 29% deny that the transmitters pose a threat.
The reports are available in Polish at the link.