Consultation on Voice Call Termination Rates in the EU
31 July 2019
The European Commission launched a public consultation in preparation for the adoption of a delegated act setting out the maximum EU-wide: mobile voice call termination rate (MTR) and fixed voice call termination rate (FTR).
The consultations will run for a 12-week period until 8 November this year. The purpose of the consultation is to define the scope and application of the future delegated act, including the types of services that should fall under the definition of voice call termination services.
The opinions received in the consultation process will be taken into account in the process of developing the European Commission's policy in relation to voice call termination rates.
We encourage all interested parties, including citizens, representatives of electronic communications service providers, chambers and public sector institutions, to respond to consultations.
The questionnaire is available on the European Commission website.
According to the European Electronic Communications Code, voice call termination rates should be determined on the basis of the LRIC bottom-up methodology. The final MTR model is available on the European Commission website.
Please find enclosed also an anonymised version of the cost model for Poland. A similar FTR study is still under preparation.