Consultation of draft decisions regarding access to power poles
15 July 2020
The President of UKE has begun July 15 this year consultations on draft decisions specifying the conditions for providing access to technical infrastructure in the field of power poles of distribution system operators (hereinafter "DSO")*:
• innogy Stoen Operator sp.z o.o. with headquarters in Warsaw
• Tauron Dystrybucja S.A. with headquarters in Krakow
• PGE Dystrybucja S.A. with headquarters in Lublin
• Energa Operator S.A. with headquarters in Gdańsk
• Enea Operator sp.z o.o. with headquarters in Poznań
The conditions for access to technical infrastructure in the field of power poles contained in the draft decisions constitute a universal set of rules and rules for applying for access to and cooperation in power poles. The draft regulation is therefore to meet the needs of telecommunications undertakings, while not disturbing the functioning of the DSO.
The draft decisions set out key principles for providing access to power poles, including:
• rights and obligations of the parties,
• the procedure for concluding the framework agreement and specific agreements regarding specific locations,
• deadlines for the various stages of granting access,
• conditions for conducting works on power poles,
• and the amount of fees for providing access.
Provision of telecommunications services with the use of infrastructure installed on power poles will contribute to the acceleration of investment implementation and will enable access to telecommunications services offered to subscribers based on the fixed network. Enabling the provision of telecommunications services will also have a beneficial effect on the development of effective competition between telecommunications undertakings operating in a given area. The purpose of the draft regulation is also to ensure effective cooperation between the telecommunications and energy sectors. The effect of the regulation will be the possibility of connecting a significantly larger number of households to a fast telecommunications network, which will limit digital exclusion.
The draft decisions, preceded by an analysis of the terms of cooperation and workshops with market participants, implement the assumptions of the Digital Agenda for Europe and the Europe 2020 Strategy. They also fulfill the assumptions of the Cost Directive and the Mega Act.
The President of UKE asks the participants of the consultation for comments that will help develop optimal conditions for access to infrastructure to achieve the objectives.
* Details available at the links in the Polish version of this message.