Consultation of draft decisions on markets 3a and 3b
10 January 2019
On 10 January 2019, the President of the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) initiated the consultation of draft decisions related to the markets of wholesale local access provided at a fixed location (market 3a) and wholesale central access provided at a fixed location for mass-market products (market 3b):
The presented drafts are the result of a comprehensive approach in the field of access to network infrastructure for the needs of providing broadband access services. They take into account the progressive evolution of 3a and 3b markets, which is reflected, among others, in an increase in their competitiveness and the growing share of alternative operators. They also pursue the Strategic lines of actions of the President of UKE for 2017-2021, according to which market analyses should take into account the local approach.
As a result of the performed analyses, the areas on which Orange Polska S.A. is no longer an operator with a significant market position, were exempt from the regulation. On the 3a market, the President of UKE identified 51 such communal areas, while on the 3b market - 151. On the one hand, the proposed regulation will lead to the abolition of obligations on competitive areas and on the other hand, it will ensure an effective and non-discriminatory access, where the position of Orange Polska SA is still significant.
The President of UKE asks entities involved in the consultation for their precise and constructive comments supported by relevant arguments - where possible - supported by countable evidence, which will help develop an optimal approach for all market players.