Code Week 2019
30 September 2019
On October 5, the European Code Week will begin, an event promoting digital competence building. UKE once again participates in this international event by organizing the "Code with UKE" programming workshop.
The European Coding Week runs this year from October 5 to October 20. It is a spontaneous movement initiated in 2013 by young digital agenda advisors cooperating with the European Commission. In 2018, 2.7 million participants from over 70 countries around the world took part in CodeWeek events.
The event promotes learning programming by children, adolescents and adults. This fits in perfectly with our educational campaign "Code with UKE", in which we teach creative thinking, show how to use the available tools and strive to raise digital competences. So far, over 8,000 children have participated in „Code with UKE” workshop.
We run workshops in inspiring places to show that coding is used in many areas of life. Cooperation allows achieving better results in the field of education. We show that learning is not boring and developing yourself is worth an effort.
This year you will meet us, among others in: EC1 Science and Technology Center in Łódź, Museum of Technology and Communication in Szczecin, Museum of the History of Computers and Computer Science in Katowice or in Space from Facebook and the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw. The full list of our classes as part of this year's Code Week is available in the attached file (in Polish).